Hoer_reusable Learning Objects Cetl - Rlo-cetl

Completed RLOs

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk/whatwedo/rlos/completedrlos.php)

Learning objects in our repository available for use, listed by subject area. All the RLOs are free for use and repurposing for educational, non-commercial purposes.

Health Sciences

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk/whatwedo/rlos/completedrlos.php#hs)

Clinical Skills

(external link: http://intralibrary.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/intralibrary/open_virtual_file_path/i843n17166t/handwashing/index.html)

Practical hand hygiene techniques for infection control.


(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i843n19266t/index.html)

An RLO that explains why consent is required in a treatment setting. It describes levels of consent, the need for informed consent and the history of informed consent.

  • Should Sarah smack her child?

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i2248n3031t/index.html)

This RLO explores the ethical dimension and different views surrounding the use of mild smacking as a means of punishment. Should Sarah smack her child? This RLO introduces you to a range of stakeholders with differing viewpoints and allows you to record your own responses to their opinions.

  • Why do we need Confidentiality?

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/IntraLibrary?command=open-preview&learning_object_key=i07n9426t)

Presents the principles of confidentiality and key concepts of consent, privacy, trust, public interest and disclosure. A generic case conference approach enables users to consider and respond to the potential disclosure of genetic, disease and behavioural information.

Evidence-based Practice

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i2248n10044t/index.html)

This RLO defines the term 'confidence intervals' and demonstrates how they can be used to determine the significance and range of possible sizes of a treatment effect.

  • Designing a questionnaire

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i281n6662t/design/index.html)

This RLO introduces good practice in questionnaire design, step by step.

  • Determining the importance of clinical trial results

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i562n25119t/index.html)

This RLO demonstrates how to interpret and use clinical trial data (ARR, RRR, NNT, NNH, and confidence intervals) in practice.

  • Meta-analysis

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i562n18347t/index.html)

This RLO provides an introduction to the basic concepts of meta-analysis, which is an important and valuable tool for summarising data from multiple studies.

  • Presenting and interpreting Meta-analysis

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i2248n11604t/meta-analysis2/index.html)

How to present and interpret the results of a meta-analysis using forest plots.

  • Numbers needed to treat, numbers needed to harm

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i1686n8283t/index.html)

This RLO considers how to measure and interpret the magnitude of effect in clinical trial results using number needed to treat (NNT) and number needed to harm (NNH).

  • Positive Predictive Values Negative Predictive Values

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i281n10604t/index.html)

This RLO explains how diagnostic test results are a combination of true and false positive, or true and false negative.

  • Qualitative and quantitative research

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i2529n6682t/index.html)

Outlining the distinction between qualitative and quantitative methods of doing research.

  • Relative risk reduction and absolute risk reduction

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i843n1923t/index.html)

This RLO considers how to measure and interpret the magnitude of effect in clinical trial results using relative risk reduction (RRR) and absolute risk reduction (ARR).

  • Search Strategy for randomised control trials

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i2529n26019t/rctsearch/index.html)

Introduction to search strategies for locating randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in online databases.

  • Sensitivity and Specificity

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i2529n8103t/index.html)

This RLO explains how diagnostic test accuracy is described by the terms sensitivity and specificity. Sensitivity describes the accuracy of the test in detecting disease. Specificity describes the accuracy of the test in detecting health.

  • SI Units

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i1405n24399t/index.html)

To identify what SI units are, when they are used, and how to calculate unit changes.

  • Steps in conducting a systematic review

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i1967n7942t/systematic_reviews/index.html)

This RLO describes the various stages in conducting a systematic review and the issues that are encountered at each step.

  • Surrogate outcomes

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i1405n13404t/index.html)

This RLO considers the type of evidence which should be used when making decisions about patient care.

Foundation Sciences

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i562n7443t/acid_base_intro/index.html)

Defining and explaining acids, bases, and alkalis, from an ionic standpoint, and introducing the pH scale.

  • Acids, alkalis and bases: Further application

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i843n9884t/acid_base_further_app/index.html)

Examining the operation and application of acids, bases and alkalis, including neutralisation, acid/base reactions, and salts.

  • Concentration Gradients

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i1405n2871t/gradients/index.html)

This RLO describes the concept of concentration gradients in biological systems through analogy with gradients found in everyday life, and outlines passive and active transport across cell membranes.

  • Elements that make up the human body

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i1405n5602t/body_elements/index.html)

Introducing the periodic table of elements, and identifying the major elements involved in the human body and their roles.

  • Homeostasis

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i2529n8913t/index.html)

Introduction to the principles of homeostasis.

  • Osmosis and Diffusion

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i1405n5262t/index.html)

Explaining the difference between the processes of diffusion and osmosis, and introducing the concepts of concentration gradients and tonicity.

  • Solutions and electrolytes

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i281n24939t/solutions/index.html)

Examining the mechanisms of chemical solution and how solvents work, and the roles of ions and electrolytes in chemical activity within the body.

  • Starling's Forces

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i1405n11524t/index.html)

An examination of the roles of hydrostatic and oncotic pressure in movement of fluid and gases across the capillary wall.

  • Structure of the Atom

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i2248n23949t/index.html)

An introduction to basic atomic structure.

Gateways to Health

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i1686n31059t/index.html)

A suite of decision based RLOs that cover health related topics. There are individual RLOs on Arthritis, Bad Back, Bloated, Cholesterol, Crying Baby, Discharge, Drugs, Hot Flushes, Incontinence, Indigestion, Sick Child, Smoker's Cough, Toothache.


(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/IntraLibrary?command=open-preview&learning_object_key=i684n9543t)

This RLO is an introduction to the ACCE framework, a helpful model used in genetic test evaluation.

  • Basics of DNA

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i1405n9573t/index.html%20target=)

Animated examples of the techniques developed for detecting, copying, and sequencing DNA.

  • Clinical Utility

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i843n9603t/index.html)

This learning object covers the topic of clinical utility of genetic information. The object focuses on genetic information associated with colorectal cancer.

  • Genes, Disease & Health Services

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/IntraLibrary?command=open-preview&learning_object_key=i06n10955t)

A multimedia quiz on Genes, Disease and Health Services.

  • Genetic Variation & Disease Susceptibility

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/IntraLibrary?command=open-preview&learning_object_key=i1197n1731t)

An Adobe Presenter presentation on Genomics. It looks at how genetic variation can affect susceptibility to diseases.

  • Genomics - Ethical, Legal & Social Issues

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/IntraLibrary?command=open-preview&learning_object_key=i09n3422t)

This object captures a presentation on the ethical, legal and social aspects of genetic testing.

  • Identifying specific genetic variants related to disease susceptibility

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i1405n3281t/index.html)

The RLO looks at linkage and gene-disease association studies to assess their usefulness in explaining why certain people suffer specific diseases and others do not.

  • Influencing Practice: Genetics in Disease Prevention

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/IntraLibrary?command=open-preview&learning_object_key=i1368n3442t)

An Adobe Connect application that captures a presentation made on the subject of the use of Genetics in disease prevention.

  • Moral Theories

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i281n12884t/index.html)

This learning object describes the moral theories that are used to justify or clarify health care professionals' clinical decisions.

  • Patents

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i843n3231t/index.html)

A learning object that describes how drugs can be patented. The topics covered include: what is necessary for a patent, how to file for a patent and what can and cannot be patented.

  • Pharmocogenomics

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i2248n26088t/index.html)

This RLO introduces Pharmocogenomics - the study of genetic influences on an individual's response to drugs.

  • Public Health Genetics

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/IntraLibrary?command=open-preview&learning_object_key=i1197n14229t)

An Adobe Presenter presentation delivered by Ron Zimmern. An overview of Public Health Genetics.

  • Using Twin & Adoption Studies

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i1124n16355t/index.html)

This learning object looks at the use and effectiveness of twin and adoption studies to enrich our understanding of the contribution of genetics and environmental factors in disease causation.

Human Life Sciences

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i843n28008t/liveranatomy/index.html)

This RLO outlines the anatomy of the liver.

  • Physiology of the Liver

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i1405n17555t/index.html)

This RLO outlines the physiology of the liver.

  • The Liver and Drug Metabolism

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i562n31419t/liverdrug/index.html)

The role of the liver in the metabolism of drugs.

  • Cell division

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i1405n11364t/celldivision/index.html)

To identify the importance of cell division and briefly describe mitosis and meiosis.

  • Glomerular filtration Pressure

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i2529n22808t/gfr/index.html)

The RLO deals with the opposing forces within the glomerulus and the Bowmans capsule which together create the glomerular filtration pressure. The RLO builds on the Starlings Forces RLO by the same author and is intended to form the basis for a future RLO on glomerular filtration rate.

  • The Inflammatory Response

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i562n7208t/index.html)

Describes the inflammatory response - a series of local cellular and vascular responses which are triggered when the body is injured or invaded by micro-organisms or antigen.


(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i281n20447t/childcalc/index.html)

This RLO is aimed at providing examples of how to calculate medicines, specifically for children but it relates well to any aspect of calculating medicines.

  • Drug Receptor Interactions

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i562n7683t/index.html)

Introduction to the interaction of cell receptors with drugs.

  • Lock and Key Hypothesis

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i1405n5222t/index.html)

Introducing the "lock and key" analogy of drug-receptor interaction, whereby only drugs of a certain molecular shape will 'fit' with a cell membrane receptor.

  • Plasma Proteins and Drug distribution

(external link: http://www.rlo-cetl.ac.uk:8080/open_virtual_file_path/i562n3321t/index.html)

Examining the role of plasma proteins in the blood in the distribution and elimination of drugs in the body.